Our Ambition Our Ambition Globe Illustration

Our Ambition

A world where people see and do things differently for the greater good

Our North Star


We’re bringing snowboarding’s wild energy to more people so we show up awake and alive.

Our Way

We Stand Sideways

Our Commitments

What We Do Every Day

The Crux of Our Story

A changing world held back

We fight for the future of our sport, people, and planet.

40 years later, in the face of broken systems, climate change, and technology overload, people are feeling stuck, anxious, and disconnected from what’s real. We’re here to deliver the antidote.

A community that seeks freedom

A community that seeks freedom

We want to live a one of a kind life, to feel young, free, and alive in every sense, to live our passions and follow our instincts. We defy any pressure to be boxed in.

Our moment to show up & shake shit up

Our moment to show up & shake shit up

The world doesn’t need another brand. It needs culture shapers like Burton to use our creativity, attitude, and influence to wake people up and ensure a better future for everyone.

A company born out of defiance.

A company born out of defiance.

40 years ago we asked — can we surf on snow? We defied the rules and reshaped mountain culture forever, pioneering a sport that challenged physical limits and tapped into next level fun while bringing a new generation of creators to the mountain.