Our typeface is central to our brand expression, and essential for our brand to show up loud and clear. Adherence to our typographic standards is how we show up with a superior quality look and feel and avoid looking generic.
Brand Typeface
Our brand typeface family is Helvetica Now. Similar to our own identity, it is a refinement of a timeless classic.
Some regions may need to use an alternate typeface due to character limitations. Helvetica Now is still to be used when using English copy ie. when a word/phrase isn’t being translated.
China: Substitute Helvetica Now for Source Han Sans CN
Japan: Substitute Helvetica Now for Shin Go Pro
Font Weights
We use four primary weights of Helvetica Now. Two weights for large headlines, two weights for small text.
Source Han Sans CN uses four primary weights.
Shin Go Pro uses three primary weights.
Other weights or exceptions may be used per global seasonal creative direction, but as of right now these are our primary brand typefaces.
Helvetica Now
Large Headline: Helvetica Now Display XBold
Large Copy: Helvetica Now Display Medium
Small Headline: Helvetica Now Text Bold
Small Copy: Helvetica Now Text Regular
Source Han Sans CN
Large Headline: Source Han Sans Heavy
Large Copy: Source Han Sans Medium
Small Headline: Source Han Sans Bold
Small Copy: Source Han Sans Regular
Shin Go Pro
Large Headline: Shin Go Pro Bold
Large Copy: Shin Go Pro Medium
Small Headline: Shin Go Pro DeBold
Small Copy: Shin Go Pro Regular
Line height / Leading
As type scale increases we decrease the leading. Large headlines should have a line height ratio of 1:1, or 72pt text on 72pt leading for example. Whereas paragraph text should have a line height ratio of 1:1.5, or 16pt text on 24pt leading.
Tracking & Kerning
Helvetica Now addresses most all of the kerning issues and discrepancies of earlier versions and should largely be fine as is at 0. The kerning of body text and headline text should not be altered. Sub-headline text that serves as a small accent can be expanded to 10% tracking.
Case & Capitalization
All caps are used when we have something bold to say, when we’re shouting, and when there is need for emphasis.
Whenever multiple lines of paragraph text is used, it should only be in sentence case.
Maintain hierarchy through scale—It is important to maintain type hierarchy. This allows for clarity, consistency, and a strong balance for all communications. 2x size difference is needed when changing type sizes.
Maintain contrast through weight—It is important to maintain these type pairings. This allows for clarity, consistency, and a strong hierarchy for all communications.
Type over Imagery
Type over imagery should be black or white depending on the lightness of the image itself. Black over light images, white over darker images.
To achieve optical alignment, it’s best to “hang” punctuation at the edge of text blocks.
Line Breaks
Do not hyphenate any headline or supporting copy when a word cannot fit on one line.
Contextual Alternates
We don’t use ‘em.
Helvetica now has a number of stylistic alternates for a few of the character shapes. We stick to the traditional character set.
Typography Summary
Our typeface is central to expressing our brand. Use with care and consideration.
Consider relationships, the size, weight and placement effects the emphasis on copy.
Maintain visual hierarchy. Type size and layout should align with and support messaging.
Aim for contrast. Changes in weight and size across composition should be very noticeable. And type over image and color should be bold and clear to read.